2023 Elementary School Skit

Written and enacted by several Cupertino Robotics students, the play provided fun and knowledge to 220 young Blue Hills Elementary School students. The intention of the skit was to introduce basic robotics concepts to young children and provide them with more specific information about possible applications of STEM topics.

The skit surrounded two teams who competed against each other in a challenge. To start the challenge, the teams built a robot with assistance from the audience. The robots that were “created” were the Cupertino Robotics FTC robots from the 2022 season. Through the competition, both teams learn about gracious professionalism and learn to work together to build a successful robot. The challenge ended with participation from the audience as they drove the FTC robots around.

Performers got the chance to share their personal knowledge and show off their performance skills to make the experience more fun for the audience. Performer, Navyaa, shared her experiences with interacting with the audience as “they asked really great questions about our software and hardware.” She also felt that “it was a great bonding experience to work with FTC as well as FRC students to plan this.”