Half-Moon Bay Dream Machines Exhibition

On April 30th, 2023, members from the Cupertino Robotics FRC Team 2473, the Goldstrikers, traveled to Half Moon Bay to attend the Dream Machines event. Bringing the FRC robot from the 2023 season, our Team 2473 had the opportunity to exhibit the hard work put into the robot. The event was a show where unique and vintage vehicles were displayed along with eight FRC robots, each from a different FRC team. 

Member of Team 2473 who attended, Arnav, shared how the interactions with the other FRC teams were valuable as, “a lot of the other teams were nice and respectful.” He also shared how he got the chance to,” practice driving [the robot] in an event where it was low stakes and [...] it was mainly for fun.” Similar to that, another member of the team, Mira, shared how,”driving the robot was a lot of fun since none of us have really had much drive practice before.” The team got the chance to drive around other teams’ robots as well which helped build connections and allowed for them to explore different robots such as those which include swerve drive.