FRC 23-24 Competitions

“Presenting the game for the 2023-2024 FRC Season, Haas presents Crescendo!”

Starting on January 6th, our FRC teams have been hard at work developing and testing their robot for Crescendo, a game that invites teams to compose their own musical masterpiece alongside their alliance using robots as their instruments, creating a performance that showcases their technical abilities, teamwork, and persevering spirit.

Throughout the season, software and hardware subteams worked collectively to integrate different essential components into the robot seamlessly. Bhargav Eranki, a FRC mech systems lead, said “The key to our success this season was our ability to successfully integrate the work done by individual subteams through a strict set of deadlines during our development season.”

This hard work came to fruition during our team’s two competitions: Silicon Valley Regionals and Monterey Bay Regionals. The team reported that their team ranked 7th out of 42 teams at the Silicon Valley Regionals, the best since 2017!

In the Goldstriker’s second and final competition for the 2024 Crescendo Season, they ranked 18 out of 36 teams at the Monterey Bay Regionals. MBR concluded the team’s successful double-playoff season, the best they have done for years!