2022 Fun Fest

On September 24, 2022, Cupertino Robotics attended the Fun Fest at Memorial Park. All four FLL teams, all four FTC teams, and the FRC team that are a part of the Cupertino Robotics organization were showcased along with information about our club overall. The event was a success as many people in our community were able to learn about the impact and purpose of our club and robotics as a whole.

Our club occupied two tables near the other FUHSD FIRST teams. One table displayed information about our club and how we give back to the community along with how our community can support us. Another table presented our FLL and FTC teams and information about the specific teams’ impact on the people in our area.

Our four FLL teams got the chance to share about all aspects of FLL past just the robot. Visitors at the festival were given the opportunity to view example FLL robots and explore an example innovation project. The innovation projects are projects that the team members design each season to solve a certain issue in the community around them.

At the tables, the FTC teams brought one of their robots from the 2021-2022 season to show the outcome of their work and how much they had learned during the season. Other than the presentables, the FTC teams also brought a FTC chassis and gave all the passerbyers, everyone from young children to adults and parents, the chance to drive around the chassis and experience a small part of robotics. FTC team member, Adia Gurtu, shared how she believed that this event had “inspired many students to pursue robotics through our interactive driving and our engaging visuals.”

Other than the club, FTC teams, and FLL teams, our FRC Team, Team 2473, was joined by other FRC teams from our community including Team 1868, Team 115, and Team 670, to participate in a friendly match. After setting up a small FRC game field, the teams showcased the functionality of the robots in multiple matches throughout the day. Through the games, viewers got to observe what the teams had been working on in the past as well as how the matches function in terms of driving and maintenance for the robot. Our FRC team was able to give our community a view into what happens in robotics and how rewarding the experience can be.

All members from the club, members from the teams, and the mentors who volunteered to attend the event and take up shifts at the tables and driving stations felt extremely accomplished after showing off their dedication and work they had put in during the past seasons. As Maisha Gupta, a FRC team member, shared, “just being at the festival felt nice because we got to show our community what our organization and teams are all about.”

Cupertino Robotics Student