2023 Calgames!

From October 6-8, our FRC team members attended the annual Calgames offseason competition. Months of dedicated effort and hard work led to the creation of a brand-new robot, reflecting our commitment to enhancing our skills and knowledge in the realm of robotics.The team embraced numerous challenges and welcomed new members to the world of FIRST Robotics.

Our team's off season journey began with the ambition to explore various mechanisms and engineering marvels. We aimed to push our boundaries and experiment with systems new to us. Among our additions, our robot featured an angled elevator, a rotating intake, and a swerve chassis and drive – all chosen to develop our knowledge and enhance our robot.

Our team's participation was multifaceted, with each member contributing their skills and talents in various ways. Whether designing new mechanisms, developing a new raspberry pi processing system, cheering from the stands, operating the robot, presenting to judges, scouting other teams, or setting up our pit, every individual gained a unique experience that further developed their abilities.

Though our final ranking was not what we had hoped for, we take pride in the robot we've created. It's a work in progress, and we're committed to continuous improvement. Looking ahead, we plan to address issues and implement systems we couldn't quite fit in before, such as computer vision. With our eyes set on the future, we're eager to continue our work and enhance our robot’s and team member’s capabilities.

Cupertino Robotics Student